Texas Counties Deliver
County Auditor
Melissa Mahan


P.O. Box 159
Palo Pinto, TX 76484

Phone: 940-659-1276
Fax: 844-637-2452
Email: melissa.mahan@co.palo-pinto.tx.us

The County Auditor is appointed for a two year term by the 29th Judicial District Judge, under Local Government Code Section 84.002.  This act was established as one aspect of the “checks and balances” system for County government.  The office of County Auditor is neither created by nor under the hierarchical control of the administrative body – the Commissioners Court.

The County Auditor maintains the integrity of financial administration in county government, and has oversight of all financial books and records of all officers of the County.  The primary duties and responsibilities of the County Auditor are to strictly enforce laws governing county finances; administer the county budget, as approved by the Commissioners Court; and conduct detailed reviews of all county financial operations.