Texas Counties Deliver
Public Works Department

David McDonald

David McDonald

100 SE 6th Ave, Suite 212
Mineral Wells, TX 76067

Office: (940) 659-1240
Cell: (940) 452-6141
Fax: (844) 638-7721

If no answer on office phone, please call the cell number**

Minimum Infrastructure Standards for Manufactured Home Rental Communities
Approved by the Palo Pinto County Commissioners' Court, April 22, 2013

Palo Pinto County's Subdivision Regulations Amendment to Subdivision Regulations
Approved by the Palo Pinto County Commissioners' Court, September 26, 2014. Fees have been updated and will be in effect on July 1, 2022. Please refer to Appendix A.

An Amendment has been made to Article 6, Section 6.1, Paragraph (d) of the Subdivision Regulations. See the link above for the change.

Recreational Vehicle Parks Infrastructure Requirements
Approved by the Palo Pinto County Commissioners' Court, February 25, 2019

O.S.S.F Inspection Fees for Palo Pinto County

Standard Permit $260.00
Alternative System with Maintenance $460.00
Transfer $100.00


Application for O.S.S.F - New Construction and Modification (Permit)
* Only completed forms will be considered for APPROVAL



  1. The owner or owner's agent must obtain an authorization to construct from the permitting authority before construction may begin on an OSSF, before an authorization to construct can be issued, the permitting authority shall require submittal of the following from the owner or owner's agent:
    1. An application, on the form provided by the permitting Authority (Also on Palo Pinto County web site.)
    2. All planning material
    3. The results of a site evaluation
    4. The appropriate fee
  2. Variance requests shall be submitted with the application and shall be reviewed by the permitting authority.


Please contact: David McDonald
Palo Pinto County Public Works
(Numbers listed above)